Project title: Implementation of the SDG Regulation: Introduction of the Service by Higher Education Institutions
Project registration number: CZ.31.1.01/MV/23_52/0000052
Implementation period: 1. 4. 2023 – 31. 5. 2026
The objective of the project is the full function of the unified digital gateway through the digitalization of the following two procedures:
– Applying for financing of university studies, for example in the form of a scholarship or loan from a public body or institution,
– Submitting an initial application for admission to a public higher education institution.
The result is the connection of these two procedures to the NIA/DIA registers (Citizen Identity portal) and, following the availability of services for the Czech Republic, to the Once-Only Technical System (OOTS) registers.
The project will introduce the two abovementioned services, supplemented by an analysis (requirements to fulfill obligations contained in the Council Implementating Decision – CID) and a document confirming the commissioning of the Czech Unified Digital Gateway.
All 26 public universities (PU) in the Czech Republic are involved in the implementation of the project.
The primary target group are applicants to study at PUs in the Czech Republic. The main benefit for them will be the possibility of simple and reliable authentication in the mentioned electronic services at any PU in the Czech Republic. After the Czech Republic joins the OOTS services, they will also be able to make the required documents available to the relevant institutions directly within the electronic application for admission to a PU (or in the application for financing their studies). Compared to the current situation, when applicants must prove their identity in person (or in another conventional way) and present all documents as originals or certified copies, this will mean a significant simplification and acceleration, and often also a reduction in the cost of the entire process.
The planned total costs of the project (incl. VAT) are 138,404,197.48 CZK.
The project is supported by EU funds – CRP/Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).